SoCal Aerobats!
Judges School Registration


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Please fill in the items below to confirm your intention to attend the IAC Chapter 120 Intro to Aerobatic Judging schoool on March 22, 2020

Place: Sunrise Aviation: 19531 Campus Drive, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Click for Mapquest
Time: 8:00 AM Sunday.
Instructor: Michael Church.
Cost: $55.00

Judging courses are intended for several categories of students:

One-day class: 1) Existing judges who would like a thorough presentation of new rule changes 2) Renewing judges who need a one-day class for eligibility 3) Existing judges who would like a chance to quiz the Instructor about grading in general

This site does not accept payments: after registering with this form, click forward to our payment portal to obtain a place in the class; there you will pay for a one-day class with the option of adding a rule book if you choose to have us bind a copy for you. You may also call Sunrise Aviation Dispatch at 800.717.4200 to make payment arrangements.

Registration and refund policy: due to limited classroom space, this course often fills to the maximum, making it necessary to place later registration requests on stand-by status. Cancellations made with less than two weeks advance notice are not eligible for a refund unless we find it is possible to substitute another student.

REQUIRED MATERIALS (all class options): the current Official IAC Contest Rules, available for download from IAC, or pre-printed and bound from SoCal Aerobats. Please indicate your choices below.

*Name (first & last)
*Phone (best)

*Class choice   Single day class--$55

*Rule book option I will download and print my own copy
I would like to reserve a pre-printed and bound copy ($15.00)
How did you hear about our school?

* indicates required field

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